Wow. Much has changed.

You walk away from your website for a second and the world has completely flipped over. Such is the internet. Im looking at that last post. Milton died this year. He did his job. On to the next pasture. Our new donkey Snoop Donk is learning the ropes now. CDBaby isn't selling CDs anymore so I am not sure how to get my stuff to you. But I believe Bandzoogle has a solution. I am an old fashioned guy who likes the idea of having the "thing" in my possession. Streaming certainly has its good points. I am doing a lot of discovery on Spotify. 2021 brought much that was sucky including a studio flood. Fortunately, I lost nothing but the sorry carpet. It gave me the reason to do the major remodel on the studio it deserved. Pictures to follow. So I am polishing off the last song for the next release called TIMES UP. It will be a five song-er. I am also looking into doing some live streaming and more video content as usual. Got better tools to do so. I never did get around to that shirt...

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