A lot has happened since the last update, over a year ago. ENCHANTER is now out on CDBaby, digital release etc. Got the much more enviro-friendly packaging going for this release. Plenty of artwork to wrap the music in. Got the THOMAS AYRESOL release produced: MAXIMUM COMMANDER. As usual, was good to work with Thomas. This is going to be a busy year for me. But I plan on promoting the new cd, turning over the website, starting a label site for TEXISTENTIAL WAVEFORM, working on a show and getting some video material going. Thats a tall order. Hopefully the next update will be on a updated page and with some much needed new content. Time has been in short supply. The studio has been tweaked to new levels of efficiency. I committed deletion on MySpace which was a relief. Really big disappointment overall. I did meet some cool people there, but basically, the whole operation is dead. A kingdom was sacrificed to become a gigantic pointless billboard for advertisers to advertise to one another. Really pathetic. I wish there was some forum like it used to be to network with local bands or like minds. Oh well...back to the voice in the wilderness.

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